Lunchtime : Tahu Kupat

This food called Tahu Kupat in my hometown. This food is not original from Solo City, you can find similar food in other cities in Central Java – Indonesia.

Lunchtime : Tahu Kupat
Lunchtime : Tahu Kupat

This food consist of pieces of fried tofu, rice cake, gimbal, sliced cabbage, with noodles and fried peanuts as the topping. All poured with a special sauce made ​​from a mixture of soy sauce and garlic. This is my lunchtime. 😀

16 Comments Add yours

  1. Oh boy that looks delicious.

    1. Thank you. I’m glad to hear that 🙂

  2. ARK says:

    That looks so tasty…

    1. it’s really delicious…your must try when you go on holiday to Indonesia 🙂

    2. ARK says:

      Sure Halim. BTW thanks for posting such a tasty delicacy…. that too something which is purely veggie

  3. Ruslan says:

    kalo di tasik kupat tahu namanya.. nama hampir mirip tapi beda bgt ya isinya, itu ada kacangnya dan mie 😀

    1. Di Magelang juga namanya Kupat Tahu tapi kuahnya nggak semanis di Solo.
      Mungkin karena pengaruh kulturasi kuliner, jadi bahan dan bumbunya sudah dimofikasi sesuai selera lidah daerah masing-masing hehe…

  4. isna saragih says:

    weekly foto chaleenge sistemnya kayak turnamen foto perjalanan gak mas ?

    1. Post foto sesuai tema tiap minggunya, tapi nggak ada the winner 🙂

  5. isna saragih says:

    keren nih … btw, cara ikutannya gmn mas … mohon pencerahan / link nya 🙂

    1. Silakan buka untuk ikut sertanya 🙂

  6. Looks nice! Will have to get Susan to take me to a place that sells it. 🙂

    1. Thank you for your visiting, Adam 🙂
      You can find Tahu Kupat in Solo, Magelang and other city in Central Java. Let’s visit Central Java 😀

  7. i like it even more when they served it with crushed and crusted toasted peanuts…

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